Privacy Statement

Last Update: January 1st, 2020


Registration Information


User's registration information and data is collected to primarily develop a user's profile, known as the Profile section. A user's email address is used to verify registration and establish a communication pathway between a user and FetDaddy. Although from time to time FetDaddy may communicate with a user via email, FetDaddy will never share, distribute, sell, market or publish a user's email address.


Data Security


FetDaddy maintains the latest security, firewall, encryption and anti-hacking technologies required to prevent a data breach of your personal information. FetDaddy does not store any financial information such as debit or credit card numbers or accounts on its website, web server or by any other means. All financial transactions are provided by third party providers such as PayPalStripe or ApplePay. Please refer to their policies on protecting your financial information.  Please email [email protected] for any account irregularities. 




User registration and profile creation include limited section fields that are required (*). The purpose of this is to better enhance all users experience and to group like users for searching and indexing. Although this information is obtained, a user maintains complete control over what information is displayed within their profile (**).


Privacy Settings


✓Only Me

✓Only My Friends

✓Friends & Networks

✓All Registered Members


Within each section of a user's personal profile are privacy settings. The Playground is exclusive to registered users only. A user will always maintain complete control of these settings and can edit them at any time within the profile edit area. The same privacy settings can also be applied to all uploaded non file transfer media files. FetDaddy will never edit a user's privacy settings.  All Playground pages that include any portion of a users profile, images, music, video, classified ads, forum posts, polls etc. are not available to the public and/or search indexing bots or spiders.  The Playground and all private parts of FetDaddy require member login to view. Any media displayed on the home page and/or public portions of FetDaddy are in conjunction with a user's permissions and valid proprietary rights.


**Avatar Exclusion


FetDaddy requires a user to upload and maintain a visible profile avatar at all times. Users may select any avatar consistent with the Terms of Service and Playground Guidelines. An avatar may be changed at any time within your profile edit area. Users not displaying an avatar or displaying the default system avatar or a resemblance of the system default avatar will be disabled after notice and be required to email support prior to accessing the Playground. An avatar may be changed or uploaded by Support at anytime. 


File Transfers


FetDaddy maintains a file transfer service for users located within the matrix and the group member's area. Media files shared via file transfer are not integrated within our system. Transfers include text and doc files and/or video and image files stored on a user's hard drive and shared with another user via the file transfer service. File transfer utilizes a third party Java application server and FetDaddy remains solely as the conduit from user to user and maintains no warranty, responsibility or liability over the transfer of said files. Although the Terms of Service prohibit a user from knowingly uploading or transferring malware, viruses or injection programs and files, users agree to use the file transfer service at their own risk.


Messaging & Chat


FetDaddy makes no warranties of privacy for any information willingly shared by a user to another user. A user inherits all risk, if any, associated with user to user information exchange.


External Links


FetDaddy may include within its site links to external websites. This may be for advertising and/or information services for a user. This privacy policy does not transcend to any other URL beyond FetDaddy. When clicking a link a user inherits the risk, if any, associated with an external URL or URL redirects.




FetDaddy utilizes common search engine optimization methods that incorporate cookies and third party internet protocol (IP) analytics to increase search visibility and site traffic. It includes geographical, demo-graphical and browser compatibility information including page view data necessary to improve our system and enhance a user's experience. More information on provider analytics can be found by clicking here.


Member Verification


FetDaddy extends security of its users by offering Member Verification Services to select FetDaddy Family Members Only. This service is to highlight to other users FetDaddy has verified said user as genuine and has obtained select verification and/or identification disclosures. The verification process can be reviewed here.




FetDaddy uses cookies but not the kind you eat. The kind that improves your experience that all popular websites use. A cookie is a very small file that is downloaded to your device when you visit FetDaddy. Most websites use some form of cookies at the moment. These files usually contain data like the site’s name and a unique user ID. Most commercial websites use them, whether they are banks, online publishers, blogs or e-commerce. They are used a wide variety of purposes such as website analytics – counting visitors and their behavior, targeted advertising, recording user preferences, saved logins or for authentication or Captcha security. View Cookie Consent.


Translation Services


FetDaddy uses Google Translate to provide all language translations. FetDaddy does not guarantee the accuracy of their translations. If you find an error in translation please contact the provider here.


Legal Requests


FetDaddy won’t hand your data over to anyone unless a court order says we have to. FetDaddy rejects requests from law enforcement when they seek data without a court order. If we are going to share your information in response to a legitimate legal process, we will give you notice so you can challenge it, unless we are prohibited from doing so by law or court order. FetDaddy will object to requests for information about members of our site that we believe to be improper.




This Privacy Statement is a general statement intended to simplify a user's understanding of privacy. For more detailed information refer to the Terms of Service and the Playground Guidelines. FetDaddy will maintain a user's privacy subject to enforceable legislative exceptions consistent with the Personal Information Protection Act of Bermuda and/or legitimate legal disclosure powers of any influential jurisdiction. Contact Support or email [email protected] for inquires.